Who they are...
- Tracy Russ, President
- Hannington Tsikiwa, Vice President
- Paul Johnson
- Mark Rader
- Tiffany Blumhorst
The Board of Education sees its primary functions as legislative and judicial rather than administrative. Accordingly, it shall hold its chief administrative officer, the Superintendent of Schools, responsible for the efficient administration and supervision of the entire school system. However, the Board recognizes that it is ultimately responsible to the people for the proper administration of the schools.
The Board considers the following to be its major responsibilities:
- to establish policy for the management of the schools
- to select the Superintendent of the schools
- to approve the annual budget and appropriation
- to provide, by the exercise of its taxing power, the funds necessary to finance the operation of the schools
- to consider and vote on the recommendations of the Superintendent in all matters of policy, appointment or dismissal of employees, salary schedules or other personnel regulations, or other matters pertaining to the welfare of the schools.
- to select the District Treasurer
- to concern itself and appraise the effectiveness with which the schools are achieving the educational purposes for which they are being operated and to concern itself with the reports submitted by the Superintendent regarding the conditions, efficiency, and needs of the schools
- to invite the fullest cooperation of the citizens of the community and keep them adequately informed of the purposes, value, conditions, and needs of public education in the community
When the Board meets...
The Board generally meets at 6:30 p.m. the third Tuesday of each month at the LH Middle School Media Center, unless otherwise noted.
Executive Sessions, Special Meetings and Emergency Meetings
The Board may enter into Executive Session from time to time. Ohio’s Open Meetings Act stipulates that a Board of Education must hold business in an open forum. The members are permitted to convene in a private session only to discuss certain matters and must return to public session to conduct a vote. The Board may hold an Executive Session to discuss: personnel matters, property purchases, legal action, negotiations with employee bargaining units, details of security arrangements, and matters the law says must be kept confidential.
While Board members are able to conduct a vast portion of its business during regularly scheduled meetings, the Open Meetings Act permits the Board to call additional meetings throughout the year to manage issues that may need attention before the next scheduled meeting. The Board can call a Special meeting or an Emergency meeting. The Board must give at least 24 hours notice to hold a Special meeting and must indicate the purpose. An Emergency meeting with a defined purposed can be called with fewer than 24 hours notice only when immediate official action is required by the Board.
Updated: 01/15/2025