Licking Heights DECA

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Licking Heights DECA

Licking Heights DECA

DECA is the student club for all high school Business, Marketing, & Entrepreneurship students.  It is an international association whose mission is to prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management.
DECA develops student members who are:
  • Academically Prepared
  • Community Oriented
  • Professionally Responsible
  • Experienced Leaders
DECA's Comprehensive Learning program...
  • Integrates into Classroom Instruction
  • Applies Learning
  • Connects to Business
  • Promotes Competition

So what do you do in DECA?

Licking Heights DECA gives students opportunities above and beyond any other--in and out of the classroom.  DECA is a co-curricular club, meaning students taking Marketing or Business courses at LHHS are eligible to be active members year-round. As an integrated part of class, DECA gives students many opportunities to grow into successful graduates, if not just business-savvy young people, by developing practical and professional skills...  

ü Develop and run fun and effective in-school marketing campaigns, social events, or charity events 

ü Operate the Hornet Corner retail store for real-world business experience

ü Design, print, promote, and sell clothing for our store and for other clubs, organizations, and businesses 

ü Get those community service hours you need through many activities each year (Blood drives are just one)

ü Take what you have learned to a competition against others at Districts, State, or Internationals

ü Learn to think creatively and solve real problems through individual or chapter projects that you design

ü Learn to create and deliver effective presentations in a variety of speaking situations

ü Build and refine your career skills--interviewing, writing, self-confidence, teamwork, and so many more--with real professsionals

ü Learn from experts across many career fields what it really takes to get the career you want...and keep it!

ü Did we mention travel? Educational trips near and far happen all year long (see the calendar below)!


LH DECA Photo Gallery

Testimonials from our Graduates!

Go Hornets
"The Marketing & DECA Program opens doors of opportunity you can't get anywhere else." 
- Destinee Green, First African-American Ohio DECA President, 2016 LHHS Graduate

"Being in DECA gave me the confidence to try new things.  It helped me open up and make lifelong friends I wouldn't have met without it." 
- Jovana Vladicic, Genetic Technologist at Nationwide Children's Hospital, 2013 LHHS   Graduate

"Students enrolled in Marketing develop valuable skills that are essential to any future career." 
- Zach Dewhurst, Owner of Columbus Promos, 2009 LHHS Graduate

For More Information

DECA logo
Please visit or
Follow us!
Contact us!
Steve Varricchio
LHHS DECA Advisor 
(740) 927-9046

Licking Heights Local School District

6539 Summit Road Pataskala, OH 43062
P: 740-927-6926 | F: 740-927-9043

Licking Heights High School (9-12)

4101 Summit Road Pataskala, OH 43062
P: 740-964-9005 | F: 740-927-0508

Licking Heights Middle School (7-8)

4000 Mink Street Pataskala, OH 43062
P: 740-927-9046 | F: 740-927-3197

Summit Station Intermediate

6565 Summit Road Pataskala, OH 43062
P: 740-927-3365 | F: 740-927-5845

Broad Peak Elementary (K-4)

6623 Summit Road Pataskala, OH 43062
P: 740-964-1674 | F: 740-964-1625

Everest Elementary (K-4)

1490 Climbing Fig Blacklick, OH 43004
P: 614-864-9089 | F: 614-501-4672

Lima Ridge Elementary (K-4)

3693 Summit Road SW Pataskala, OH 43062
P: (740) 963-3665 | F: (220) 246-9400

Pathfinders Preschool

6507 Summit Road Pataskala, OH 43062
P: 740-927-3268 | F: 740-927-5736

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